Thursday 6 November 2014

Replacement Heart Rate Monitor for another failed Garmin sensor
This Garmin HRM has yet again succombed to failing for everyday usage after 12 months. The battery compartment gets corrupted by the heat and dampness and gives up the ghost.
All very well except that they cost nearly £40, so not a cheap option.
I sourced off Ebay this alternative:
Cost: £16.58 late 2014.
It paired almost instantly with Trainer Road and seems to do what it says on the tin " record my heart rate".
My Garmin Speed and Cadence sensor has also been replaced with a Bontrager alternative after that started to play up.

Garmin might make very nice head units ( way overpriced of course) but their sensors really should be avoided... despite that the fact that the CooSpo happens to be a 'rebranded' Garmin!!! 

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